Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Thank you, Abi

I guess I never did acknowledge the role Abi
has played in all this. I would have never
had the courage or initiative. Of course he
is already famous as the author of


Abi said...

Hi Anant,

I'm so glad that you have started this blog. I've already subscribed to this blog's news (RSS) feed.

I look forward to lots of interesting and provocative stuff ;-). I wish you all the best!

Anant said...

Hi Abi,

Thanks for your note. For the moment,
I am still learning about colouring
segments and italicizing words! But I
hope to climb out of this imbecility

Best regards, Anant

ommachi said...

Hi Anant:

I came to know of your blog through Abi, as I was on the look out for Indian Faculty Bloggers.

I have blogrolled you at my blog and in my bloglines subsription. Best wishes to receive from you, posts that are ceertain to educate me.

I run three blogs all of which can be reached through the main one Nonoscience.

In light of your comments here, do let me know with any quick queries about blogging tools and glitches. I have learnt it the hard way and so I would already have done all of the errors that I could save you from repeating...;)